Your Digital
Learning Partner

Empower your teams to drive their educational journey. Our technical training for manufacturing professionals is designed to be flexible and efficient. With self-paced microlearning courses that seamlessly integrate into organizational systems, we provide on-demand learning that meets immediate needs while optimizing resources.

To discover how Horizon Training Services can support you and to schedule a platform demo, fill out the form and one of our learning specialists will get in touch.

Comprehensive Training Library for Automation Excellence

Our extensive module-based library covers important core concepts, technical training skills, and digital transformation, ensuring that you stay ahead of industry advancements.



Covers all levels of manufacturing automation from basic to advanced. Our learning plans provide flexible modularity and multiple pathways for all skill levels.
Sample topics: OT Cybersecurity, Regulations and Regulatory Affairs, Electronic
Data Integrity, MES Core Functionality, Data Analytics


Covers all levels of manufacturing automation from basic to advanced. Our learning plans provide flexible modularity and multiple pathways for all skill levels.
Sample topics: OT Cybersecurity, Regulations and Regulatory Affairs, Electronic Data Integrity, MES Core Functionality, Data Analytics


Experience simulations and personalized training on the latest tools, software, and systems utilized in the field of automation engineering.
Sample topics: DeltaV™ for Operations, DeltaV™ Configuration, Troubleshooting Scenarios


Future-proof your automation capabilities by exploring the forefront of digital transformation and upcoming advancements in the industry.
Sample topics: Industry 4.0 - IIoT, Digital Twin, Machine Learning and AI


Tailored training adapted to the needs of your business

We understand every company's unique training needs, often tied to their specific plant site or organization. Leveraging our expertise, we collaborate closely with your teams to create tailored training programs aligned with your systems, equipment, and operations.

Learn more about our adaptive module-based library and curricula for digital manufacturing.

Transform Your Digital Learning Experience

Our integrated approach delivers engaging platforms, comprehensive theory, real-world simulations, and world-class design for a transformative learning experience.

Engage, Interact, and Immerse

Our platform aims to engage learners effectively by employing diverse tools and techniques, fostering deep comprehension and retention.

Power of Blended Learning

We blend theory and practice seamlessly in our approach. As learners advance through our courses, they not only grasp the subject deeply but also apply their knowledge in real-world situations.

Software Simulations

We believe hands-on learning is key to mastering technical skills. Our software simulations provide a safe environment for practice, boosting confidence and competence.

Interactive Graphics and Videos

Visual learning is a cornerstone of our approach. Our engaging graphics and videos breathe life into complex concepts, making them more accessible and memorable.

Custom E-Learning Solutions

We also deliver customized solutions to organizations with unique training needs. Our tailored digital training programs integrate seamlessly with your systems, ensuring effective learning experiences within your budget. Additionally, we provide a certification process to validate the skills and knowledge acquired through our automation engineering training programs.


Versatile Training

We accommodate diverse training needs, offering in-person sessions, presentations, performance assessments, on-the-job training (OJT), or any combination. Horizon Controls Group is here to meet your requirements.


Modern Tools

SCORM-Based Training Modules ensure compatibility and easy integration into your LMS, 3D Scanner Images and VR Experiences elevate the training experience, and Professional Voice-Over Talent enhances content delivery.


Flexible Learning

Our program is modular and highly customizable to suit your unique learning journey, offering options from shorter 5-week programs to extended experiences.


Empowering Your Staff

We are dedicated to providing your staff with the training they need and deserve. Let us know how we can tailor our services to benefit your organization.


Find Out More About How We Work

What specific areas of technology does your training cover, particularly for manufacturing and life sciences professionals?

Our training programs are designed to cover a broad spectrum of technologies crucial to the modern manufacturing and life sciences industries. This includes a deep dive into the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), which is reshaping how manufacturing equipment communicates and operates. We also emphasize cybersecurity, an ever-growing concern, teaching professionals how to safeguard their operations against digital threats. In addition, our curriculum covers advanced operational applications, such as process automation, data analysis, and regulatory compliance technologies, ensuring that professionals are equipped to utilize the latest tools and methodologies to enhance productivity and innovation within their organizations.

How does we ensure that the training content remains up-to-date with industry advancements?

We maintain the currency of our training content through a multi-faceted approach. Our dedicated team regularly reviews and updates our curriculum to reflect the latest industry advancements and best practices. We engage with ongoing industry research, participate in professional networks, and incorporate feedback from our clients to ensure that our courses are at the forefront of technological trends. By doing so, we provide learning experiences that not only convey the most current knowledge but also anticipate future industry shifts, preparing our learners to lead rather than follow in their respective fields.

What accreditation or endorsements do your training programs have?

We are proudly partnered with the International Academy of Automation Engineering Education (IAAE), which supports our commitment to high-quality education. Furthermore, we are actively working towards the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) accreditation, projected for achievement in 2025. These accreditations and endorsements reflect our dedication to providing top-tier educational offerings that meet rigorous educational and industry-specific benchmarks.

How flexible are your training solutions in terms of delivery and scheduling?

We prioritize flexibility in our training delivery and scheduling to accommodate the diverse needs of our clients. We understand that each organization has unique demands; therefore, we offer customizable scheduling that can integrate with existing work commitments, with options for condensed workshops, extended courses, and everything in between. We aim to ensure that learning is accessible, practical, and minimally disruptive to our clients' operations.

What challenges is the manufacturing sector facing due to technological advancements?

The manufacturing sector, especially in life sciences, is experiencing a transformation driven by technologies like the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), cybersecurity, and advanced operational applications. This evolution necessitates a comprehensive workforce development strategy focusing on upskilling, cross-skilling, and reskilling tailored to various roles within the industry.

How do you address the skill gaps in the manufacturing industry?

We offer Learning Paths designed to enhance the expertise of manufacturing professionals, from operators to engineering leads. These courses are modular and flexible, covering essential areas like cybersecurity, IIoT, and operational applications, thus preparing individuals to address the skill gaps highlighted by Deloitte, the World Economic Forum, and other industry studies.

What makes Horizon Training Services learning content unique?

Our learning content is distinguished by its modular design, allowing for customization and flexibility. It is crafted by a dedicated Learning & Development (L&D) team, including Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in the manufacturing sector, ensuring technical accuracy and relevance. The content's bite-sized nature aligns with on-the-job demands, facilitating immediate application and swift adaptation to industry shifts.

Can you customize learning solutions for specific organizational needs?

Yes, we are prepared to tailor educational blueprints to align with an organization's unique objectives or craft bespoke modules that augment our extensive repository of ready-to-deploy content.. This bespoke approach ensures that learning solutions are tailored specifically to meet the requirements of different clientele.

What innovative methods do you employ in your learning solutions?

Our eLearning platform features interactive tools, including intuitive navigation points, embedded multimedia elements, dynamic on-demand tooltips, virtual interactive scenarios, and Progress Assessments. These tools ensure continuous engagement and active learning, reinforcing knowledge through guided videos, structured simulations, interactive content, and
scenario videos.

Our SME's are busy and cannot work creating training material, how can you help?

Horizon Training Services offers a solution by leveraging our in-house SMEs to develop high-quality, industry-specific training materials. This approach minimizes the demand on your SMEs, allowing them to focus on their core tasks while we ensure your workforce receives top-notch, customized learning experiences. Our modular, bite-sized content is designed for efficiency and immediate application, significantly reducing the need for your SMEs' involvement in content creation.

Do you offer subscription based learning, or do I have to purchase for a specific number of learners?
We offer two methods:
  • You can purchase the courses for individuals, or
  • You can contact our sales team and get details of a subscription service based on your needs, e.g., full access for X number of users for 6 months, yearly access to a specific curriculum etc.
Just like our learning material, the subscriptions we offer are flexible too.
Can we host the material in our own internal LMS and not use the Horizon Training Services LMS?

You have two options:

  • We can give your users access to our LMS based on your subscription/purchases, or
  • We can integrate with your internal LMS to provide your learners access within
What are the qualifications of your Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and instructors?

Our team has a mixture of Instructional Design and Training the Trainer qualifications. The Horizon Training Services team also contains automation engineers and biotechnicians/operators with experience in different manufacturing industries. This mix of knowledge, education, and experience allows us to create learning material that meets your needs.

Ready to Get Started?

Let's discuss how we can support your team's learning journey.


Popular Courses

We understand every company's unique training needs, often tied to their specific plant site or organization. Leveraging our expertise, we collaborate closely with your teams to create tailored training programs aligned with your systems, equipment, and operations.

Course One development
Learn AngularJS with Live projects in 4 weeks...
  • Devon Lane
  • Feb 16,2022
  • 12hours
Course One development
Learn AngularJS with Live projects in 4 weeks...
  • Devon Lane
  • Feb 16,2022
  • 12hours
Course One development
Learn AngularJS with Live projects in 4 weeks...
  • Devon Lane
  • Feb 16,2022
  • 12hours